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The most popular plants for the city
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Common lime 'Pallida'
Tilia x europaea 'Pallida'
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Common lime
Tilia x europaea
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Silver linden 'Brabant'
Tilia tomentosa 'Brabant'
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Littleleaf linden 'Rancho'
Tilia cordata 'Rancho'
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Littleleaf linden 'Greenspire'
Tilia cordata 'Greenspire'
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Dutch elm 'Columella'
Ulmus 'Columella'
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Eastern arborvitae 'Smaragd'
Thuja occidentalis 'Smaragd'
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Eastern arborvitae 'Brabant'
Thuja occidentalis 'Brabant'
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Anglojap yew 'Hilii'
Taxus x media 'Hilii'
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Swedish whitebeam 'Intermedia'
Sorbus intermedia
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Swedish whitebeam 'Incana'
Sorbus incana'
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Swedish whitebeam 'Fastigiata'
Sorbus × thuringiaca 'Fastigiata'
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Swedish whitebeam 'Brouwers'
Sorbus intermedia 'Brouwers'
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Rowan 'Edulis'
Sorbus aucuparia 'Edulis'
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Sorbus aucuparia
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Golden weeping willow 'Chrysocoma'
Salix x sepulcralis 'Chrysocoma'
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Swamp oak
Quercus palustris
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English oak
Quercus robur
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English oak 'Fastigiate Koster'
Quercus robur 'Fastigiate Koster'
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Northern red oak
Quercus rubra
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Bitter-berry 'Shubert'
Prunus virginiana 'Shubert'
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Cherry plum 'Nigra'
Prunus cerasifera 'Nigra'
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London plane
Platanus acerifolia
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Black pine
Pinus nigra nigra
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Norway spruce
Picea abies
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Apple tree 'Evereste'
Malus 'Evereste'
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Apple tree 'Mokum'
Malus 'Mokum'
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Apple tree 'Red splender'
Malus 'Red splender'
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Magnolia kobus
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Rocky Mountain juniper 'Blue arrow'
Juniperus scopulorum 'Blue arrow'
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Eastern black walnut
Juglans nigra
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Honey locust
Gleditsia triacanthos var. Inermis
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Maidenhair tree 'Pendula'
Ginkgo biloba 'Pendula'
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White ash 'Autumn Purple'
Fraxinus americana 'Autumn Purple'
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European ash 'Westhof's Glorie'
Fraxinus excelsior 'Westhof's Glorie'
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Green ash 'Cimmzam'
Fraxinus pennsylvanica 'Cimmzam'
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Green ash 'Summit'
Fraxinus pennsylvanica 'Summit'
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European beech 'Purpurea'
Fagus sylvatica 'Purpurea'
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Broad-leaved Cockspur Thorn
Crataegus x prunifolia
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Toba hawthorn
Crataegus x mordenensis 'Toba'
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Single-seeded hawthorn
Crataegus monogyna
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Downy hawthorn
Crataegus mollis
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European hornbeam 'Frans Fontaine'
Carpinus betulus 'Frans Fontaine'
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European hornbeam 'Fastigiata'
Carpinus betulus 'Fastigiata'
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European hornbeam
Carpinus betulus
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Himalayan birch 'Doorenbos'
Betula utilis 'Doorenbos'
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Silver birch 'Zwisters glory'
Betula pendula 'Zwisters glorie'
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Silver birch 'Youngii'
Betula pendula 'Youngii'
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Amelanchier lamarckii
Amelanchier lamarckii
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Black alder
Alnus glutinosa
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Field maple 'Huibers Elegant'
Acer campestre 'Huibers Elegant'
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Field maple 'Nanum'
Acer campestre 'Nanum'
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Boxelder maple 'Aureomarginatum'
Acer negundo 'Aureomarginatum'
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Norway maple
Acer platanoides
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Norway maple 'Columnare'
Acer platanoides 'Columnare'
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Norway maple 'Deborah'
Acer platanoides 'Deborah'
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Norway maple 'Drummondii'
Acer platanoides 'Drummondii'
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Norway maple 'Globosum'
Acer platanoides 'Globosum'
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Norway maple 'Royal Red'
Acer platanoides 'Royal Red'
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Red maple 'Autumn flame'
Acer rubrum 'Autumn flame'
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Red maple 'Bowhall'
Acer rubrum 'Bowhall'
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Silver maple 'Pyramidale'
Acer saccharinum 'Pyramidale'
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Korean fir
Abies koreana
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